March 30 will become known the release date Final Fantasy XV – Games announced ten years ago. What she hooked the players then, a long time ago, and what they should hope for now? Let's figure it out.
The essence of Final Fantasy is in experiments, and its fifteenth part by the standards of the series seems very experimental. What is valuable.
When it was announced in 2006, role -playing from the creators Kingdom Hearts It seemed something out of the ordinary for a license plate-and became Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Now, however, the situation is already the opposite: step -by -step Jrpg is seen by the relic of the past, while dynamic action with the open world is in demand as never before. Final Fantasy XV has every chance to be the first for a long part of the Final Fantasy, which will find a response from wide game circles and will become mainstream.
And in his native Japan, the fate of the console market completely depends on the Final Fantasy XV: more and more players stops buying home consoles and switches to mobile devices, and the fifteenth “final” should become a decisive argument in favor of the acquisition of PS4.
Already by demo Episode duscae We can say that by the entertainment and dynamics of the fights Final Fantasy XV, there are few. But whether the tactical depth of the best games of the cycle will remain in them, while you can only guess.
► In Episode Duscae, one could call on to help the frame, incinerating everything around the heroes. Who else is waiting for us from such creatures, except titanium?
► In trailers, battles of unprecedented proportions were shown.
Fabula nova
Final Fantasy XV marks a new approach not only to the game process, but also to building a script. Of course, many issues of Final Fantasy – perhaps even the majority of JRPG – can be called the players "ROUD MUVE", but in them the team of travelers, as a rule, consisted of the will of fate of strangers of different sexes, temperaments and colors.
In Final Fantasy XV, the entire four heroes are old friends, and this creates a completely different dynamics of relations between them. Dating is not needed, you can safely discard the issue of distrust, and there will be no ridiculous and awkward situations in the team of girls – in any case, on a regular basis. The close men's group from Final Fantasy XV promises to become one of the most unusual playable teams in the history of the genre.
► Moreover, this team, apparently, will be inseparable, and a significant part of the dialogues between comrades will take place not in KAT scenes, but in parallel with gameplay.
For such a selection of heroes, you should thank the Tescoy Nomura, the designer of the characters of many games Square Enix and the creator of the Kingdom Hearts cycle, in many ways dedicated to strong male friendship. Nomura led the development of the Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but could not bring it to the release, and soon after the announcement of the Final Fantasy XV he was removed from the project, entering the director to finish the game Final Fantasy Type-0 Hajime Tabate.
On the one hand, this inspires fears: suddenly the Tabata will distort the initial vision of the nomura and we will not get the author’s game, which we initially counted on? On the other hand, interviews with a nomor sowed doubts on their own: in them he talked about plans to create a whole saga of several equally large -scale games, and also voiced the desire to put … musical. Tabata, as soon as he sat in the directorial chair, said that the Final Fantasy XV would be a complete story, and it will not require continuation.
► stele (above), the main character Final Fantasy Versus XIII, in the fifteenth part will not appear. Its place will take the moon (below), which must become the bride of the noktis.
Finally, we note that the currently known tie recalls the Final Fantasy XII. In both games, the small kingdom of the protagonist was treacherously captured by the empire. The main character, the only heir to the throne, is declared dead and forced to wander in the hope of finding a way to get even with invaders. It is interesting how the further fate of the Prince of Noktis will be like the history of Princess Ashelia?
This is a fantasy based on reality
Final Fantasy XV will have a big open world. Very large and very open. The creators swung to create a huge continent with a believable ecosystem, various cities and cultures.
The videos that show the technological achievements of Square Enix, as a rule, focused on small details that hit the degree of study. How can not be impressed if the world looks real even from the prospect of dog growth?
An excess of the word “realism” here for a reason: the city shown in the early trailer was still final fantasy versus XIII, looked exactly like modern Tokyo, and the video was preceded by the phrase “this is a fantasy based on reality”. No part previously stated so directly that it is based on reality – and this most likely means a fundamentally new approach to building a game environment.
Outputs Final Fantasy with an emphasized realistic environment with the day with fire you will not be seen. The closest thing was to him Final Fantasy VIII , But it was in 1999. And among the comrades in the genre, fantasy prevails.
To match the realistic world and the means of transportation of heroes – they are a wheel on a chic convertible, which, however, is not safe from breakdowns (which is dedicated to the entire Episode Duscae). Yes, and fuel may end, after which the prince will have to roll up his sleeves and push the car manually.
Duke Nukem Versus XIII
Well, the last reason to wait for the Final Fantasy XV – of course, curiosity. Ten years of development is a long time, and the game was not in the game, but the creator of one of the most successful series of Japanese role -playing action. What will become the climax? What story he came up with the Prince of Noktis? What can we do in this vast world? All this is incredibly intriguing.
And yet – the release of Final Fantasy XV is worth waiting even for those who do not like it in absentia. After all, it will marked the end of the long period of silence about the next release of the cycle, which will be developed by another team, which means that it has a chance to please those who do not have to taste FF XV.
And the fact that this issue will be, there is no doubt. After all, as has shown all these years, the “last fantasy” is anything, but not the last.
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On the night of March 30 to March 31, during the conference dedicated to Final Fantasy XV, they will finally officially announce the release date. The conference can be seen on our Twitch channel, live and with comments on Gamery. Well, on March 29, we will stream the demo version of this expected game. Follow the news!